# lazymail ======== lazymail is a Haskell written old-school console Mail User Agent, born as a final project for a functional programming course. Heavily inspired in [lumail](http://lumail.org/), lazymail is a modal client: * Maildir mode: offers a tree-like view of all the maildirs recursively found from an initial path. * Index mode: offers a view of all the emails in a selected maildir. * Email mode: used to read the selected email in Index mode. * Compose mode: launch your favorite text editor in order to write your emails. lazymail main features are: * Tons of bugs * Configurable key-bindings * Configurable colors. * Some user-configurable hooks. * That's it. ## Installation A cabal build system will be available in the followings days. For the moment, use the following pseudo-algorithm to compile lazymail: cd src/ missingDeps <- ghc -o Main Main.hs mapM (\dep -> cabal install dep) missingDeps ## Usage The first thing you'll want to do is edit `customConfig` function, in **Config.hs** file. This function has some user configuration in order for the client to work. Edit `initialFile` and point it to the root of your maildirs hierarchy. Re-compile the program. Then use your cursor keys to move between the different modes. Read **Keymap.hs** to discover the rest of the key-bindings. You can even add your own key-bindings in **Config.hs**.