BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masteruse coordinate notation for inputRaúl Benencia10 years
inputcommit 6082c81076...Raúl Benencia10 years
coordscommit cf31f0866e...Raúl Benencia10 years
piecescommit ecd86e1a26...Raúl Benencia10 years
boardcommit 06fa323c65...Raúl Benencia10 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2015-05-12use coordinate notation for inputHEADmasterRaúl Benencia1-28/+25
2015-04-01remove include to stdioRaúl Benencia1-2/+0
2015-03-31use square getters and settersinputRaúl Benencia1-12/+13
2015-03-31add square getters and settersRaúl Benencia3-2/+38
2015-03-31rename new_piece to piece_new in order to follow general conventionRaúl Benencia3-3/+3
2015-03-31user coord gettersRaúl Benencia1-4/+4
2015-03-31improve var namesRaúl Benencia1-8/+8
2015-03-31input_move instead of coordinates. Introduce game_is_move_valid()Raúl Benencia4-18/+41
2015-03-31remove move_is_valid, will place it somewhere elseRaúl Benencia2-13/+0
2015-03-31use putsRaúl Benencia1-2/+2
nihil fit ex nihilo